“Live in the moment each time you get on stage.”
— Carl Dean
The Jefferson County Academy of Theater and Dance, also known as JCATD, is a Jefferson County theatre department. It is an audition based program open to all. In JCATD we not only offer insight and opportunities for students to perform, we also allow students to help choreograph, stage manage, build sets, work with the sound team on microphones, and even learn how to work lights for a show. JCATD is one of the oldest Thespian Troupes (Troupe 398) in the state of Alabama. For more information how you can be apart of JCATD, go under the apply section of the website.
The Jefferson County Academy of Theater and Dance allows students the opportunity to study their craft in a professionally-oriented program intended for serious students. Multiple programs are presented each year utilizing student actors on stage. The program is designed to develop highly-trained theatre and dance students who intend to pursue related fields as their intended professions. This-award winning program has been selected repeatedly as one of the top ten high school programs in the United States.